
Facebook Chat Tricks: Turn Off "Seen" in Chat

By on Friday, June 14, 2013

When someone sends you a message or open a chat with you on Facebook You ignore? and then use  the classic excuse "I had not seen your message"?

As you may have noticed, Facebook has introduced some read notification messages, which allows the sender to know when the recipient has read your message. This feature, very useful from a certain point of view, can be viewed as a nuisance to those who prefer not to respond to a particular person.

However, if you use a browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome there is an extension called Chat Undetected that allows you to let the people not to know your interlocutor when you read a message.
Simply visit the page Chat Undetected with the browser you use to access Facebook and click on the green button "Get Chat Undetected" to install the extension.

Unfortunately there is no quick way to toggle the lock, but you must enter the extensions management Panel of your browser and enable and disable the extension.

Now for some reasons, you may have to uninstall the Chat application. To do so,
Go to Google Chrome -> extensions -> Settings -> disable/uninstall

MUST CHECK: Best Facebook tips and tricks 2014 

Tricks to lock read notification on Facebook

If you use Mozilla Firefox you can install the Unseen that has the same function as Chat Undetected. Another workaround, especially if already used extensions like AdBlock Plus, is to block these URLs (HTTP and HTTPS versions). The first two avoid signal when you are typing a message, whereas the other two block read notification.
  1. https : / / www.facebook.com / ajax / messaging / typ.php
  2. http : / / www.facebook.com / ajax / messaging / typ.php
  3. https : / / www.facebook.com / ajax / mercury / change_read_status.php
  4. http : / / www.facebook.com / ajax / mercury / change_read_status.php

Many more Facebook tips and tricks are yet to be discussed..I'l explain them in the next post! Mean while leave your feedback in the comments below :)

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Abinav is the founder of TechStorms. He is a Blogger and writes articles on Blogging, SEO, latest tech news, Gadgets .You can Contact him here.

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