
Apple has infringed a patent from Samsung

By on Wednesday, June 05, 2013

According to the International trade commission (Itc), a u.s. Federal agency that deals with copyright and competition laws, the Apple has infringed a patent from Samsung on the transmission of data through wireless and 3 g networks. The Itc has overturned so its decision taken in September.

The Itc has issued an order to block imports in the United States of a range of products, manufactured by Apple and from foreign suppliers. Only a veto by President Obama can reverse the situation.

In the list of products banned there are templates for the company At&t phone iPhone 4, iPhone 3gs, iPad 3 g and iPad 3 g 2, all manufactured in China. The latest products of the Californian group, the iPhone 5 and the fourth generation of iPad, have been excluded from the decision of the Itc.

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In September an Itc judge had given him reason to Apple, denying patent infringement. Samsung, which is fighting a legal battle against the Cupertino company in more than ten countries around the world, challenged the three patent infringement. But the Itc for these cases did not want to proceed.

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