
How to use icloud on Windows and Mac

By on Thursday, June 06, 2013

How to use iCloud, both on Windows and on Mac? iCloud is a service from Apple that lets you back up (save) their data and files securely and shared on all devices connected to both on computers that are running both operating systems on mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Already from the name we understand immediately that it is a software that works on the clouds or on the cloud to store contacts, photos, videos, bookmarks and whatnot on remote servers and from there on various iDevice and computer. Let's find out more and see how to use it.

iCloud is free for the first 5 GB online space made available, but there is a possibility to extend the capacity for a tot to GB, or tranches. Supports all kinds of multimedia files and therefore with photos, videos, music and documents (also useful for work and productivity) but also favorites of the browsers for surfing the net. It works natively and instant even with all mobile devices applications. But let's see how to use it with Mac and Windows computers. It is necessary, of course, an Apple ID (here's how to change it, if desired).

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How to use iCloud on a Mac? There is no need to download anything, since it's already integrated into the operating system. From your computer, go to system preferences and then click the icon to configure ad hoc iCloud. You have to click with a check on items you want to synchronize and you're done. You can choose from contacts, Favorites, Photos, calendar, etc ... the photos are obviously synchronized with iPhoto, contacts with OS X address book, bookmarks with Safari and so on. By clicking on Manage can possibly expand available space – a fee – Buy more space.

How to use iCloud on Windows? Apple obviously does not scorn Microsoft users. To use the service you must download iCloud for Microsoft Windows, which you can find on the official site of Apple.Click and follow the directions shown in the site and you can easily select all the items you want to save as and be synchronized.

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